Note: The contactless reader is on the top of the A920 card machine. Ask the cardholder to place the contactless payment card/device over the contactless symbol found above the magnetic swipe reader until you hear the alert confirming a successful read.
- From the payment application ready screen, select Sale and enter your amount.
- If you have gratuities or purchase with cashback set, you may be asked for these separate values.
- On the insert, swipe or present screen, ask the cardholder to present their payment method to the device.
- For a cardholder present transaction the cardholder will either tap at the top of the device for contactless or insert the card and enter their PIN. For a cardholder not present transaction you’ll be asked to enter additional card and customer information.*
- Your A920 will now connect to request a response for the transaction and your receipts will print.
*Please note that cardholder not present transactions carry a higher risk of fraud and of chargebacks being raised for which you will be responsible. Please refer to our Customer Operating Instructions at for further information.